Soul of Communication

Many times, I’ve seen ineffective leadership and supervisors, and most of them all share the same thing; the lack of understanding of what’s going on on the ground, and the morale of the teams they’re working with. The article mentioned that poor communication is linked to poor employee engagement and attrition which I wholeheartedly agree. From my own observation, I think leaders who don’t listen to their employees or are egotistical, can often bring be very hard to work with. Leaders who listen and empathise are far more effective in communication and will often times be more productive. This comes as a result of employees and employers being able to understand each other, adapt and tackling a goal together.

There are many different aspects to critical thinking; observation, analysis and problem solving. Future leaders need to understand that its their role to look at the teams they’re working with, observe and analyse each strength and weakness within each team and communicate their expectations appropriately.

With the growing anti-work movement, this skill is especially important as employees no longer want to tolerate incompetent leaders, unethical labour practices and toxic work environments. They want to be heard, and leaders need to start listening and be better communicators.


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